
good news now i'am open public documentation for mini mvc php native caused i'm not currently update my documentation. maybe you want update the documentation in indonesia langauge

sponsoship you can support me to keep update and make content with this link, i need eat, place, and pay a service. siapapun, berapapun, saya ucapkan terimakasih

About Permission

project ini sepenuhnya dibangun berdasarkan pengalaman saya belajar di internet dan saya memodifikasi dan mengembangkannya hingga saat ini, ini adalah full stack framework php pertama buatanku, please tell me if you save my framework. don't copy without permission. for now only support indonesia language not in english. i need more time for translate about documentation.

This project is currently on break time, cause of me, for now has working my TA ( final project for my graduation )

pembukaan indonesia :

Hi, Project ini dibuat dari latihan saya belajar web programing dari berbagai sumber di internet seperti youtube, stackoverflow dan github. project ini merupakan php native yang di buat menggunakan pattern MVC dengan konsep OOP (Object oriented programing )

Thank you kindly for the ⭐ and forks. When I first started working on this project in 2019, I had just undergraduated from college and had no prior exposure to web-development or open source. cause i'am start learn web-development and also explorer to many algorithm mostly used at skripsi (TA). so why i'am not build the package for reusability ? why not.

Without financial support, it was overwhelming to fix these issues, adding new method, reading a journal, not to mention that I felt like an absolute imposter. With a heavy heart 💔, I decided to keep continue :( and this in my portofolio my project

Last updated